15 Feb 2014

year 5 Spies and secret codes

Hello everyone!!
Let's review the present continuos:



PronounAuxiliar (to be)Main verb +"-ing"
Iamtalking, eating, learning, doing, going...
He, She, Itistalking, eating, learning, doing, going...
You, We, Theyaretalking, eating, learning, doing, going...


  1. Affirmative Sentences
    1. I'm talking  Play
    2. He's eating. Play
    3. They're learning. Play
  2. Negative Sentences
    1. I'm not talking.Play
    2. He isn't eating.Play
    3. They aren't learning. Play 
  3. Interrogative Sentences
    1. Are you talking?Play
    2. Is he eating?Play
    3. Are they learning?Play
Now let's practise what we've learnt !!

and then check your answers...

1 comment:

  1. fadlallah20.2.14

    thank you Maria ja se tots els planetes de memoria i que gracies per les activitats del sistema solar i que sapigues que ets la millor
