13 Jan 2011

Countries Memory Game

Listen and play the game. Tell me in a comment how much time you needed. (Hi ha un cronòmetre; poseu al comentari quant temps heu tardat en acabar-lo). 

United Kingdom

Watch this video about United Kingdom. You'll like it!

When you finish,  click on the flag and do the activities:


Canada is an amazing country! Click on the map, listen to Marta and complete the text. After this, write some information about Canada in a comment.

Watch this video about the Niagara Falls, a natural wonder.  It's really beautiful!


Where are these countries?

Can you locate the following countries? Tell me your correct answers in a comment, please.

Superlatives (6th grade)

Hello 6th grade students! Do this activity to practise superlative adjectives.  Tell me your results (score) in a comment.